• Book Launch,  Writing

    Book Day Never Gets Old

    I don’t get much done on Book Day. Oh, I do a lot.  I post a lot, I check the various social media a whole lot.  I agonize over views and clicks and reviews.  I also pace, sometimes literally, sometimes just metaphorically. I have further, I confess, been known to go to bookstores to see my baby out there in the wild, so to speak. But mostly I sit at the keyboard saying to myself “I can’t believe it.  It’s MY book.  There is is.  Right there.  On-line.  With my name on the cover and everything!  It’s real!” So, happy Book Day to me, and to you.  Here’s hoping you…

  • Writing

    That Old Time Feeling

    Writing is, by necessity, a profession of emotions.  This is not going to come as any kind of surprise to readers, especially Romance readers.  Emotions are at the heart of character, and character is at the heart of story.  And at the heart of the human brain is a quirk that by describing a feeling, you invoke it in yourself.  So, there’s no part of writing a novel that is not going to put the writer on an emotional roller coaster.  And people wonder why we tend to drink so much… But there are other ways that the work itself gets emotionally involving.  One comes at the very beginning.  There…