• Queens of Camelot,  Sarah Zettel

    Laurel: By Camelot’s Blood

    Queens of Camelot Book 4 In order to provide protection and stability for her fractious kingdom, Laurel Carnbrea, queen of Cambryn, must marry Sir Agravain, knight of the Round Table and nephew of King Arthur, a man she has never met and about whom she knows nothing. But Laurel is determined to keep her people united, even if it means marrying a man widely believed to be heartless.

  • Queens of Camelot,  Sarah Zettel

    Lynet: Under Camelot’s Banner

    Queens of Camelot Book 3 The daughter of the steward of Cambryn, Lynet has seen the damage that following one’s heart can do. Now the threat of war looms over her land. Desperately searching for a way to restore peace to her home and honor to her family, Lynet and her sister decide that Lynet will seek the help of the last heir to the ancient royal house of Cambryn: the High Queen Guinevere.

  • Queens of Camelot,  Sarah Zettel

    Elen: For Camelot’s Honor

    Queens of Camelot Book 2 When treachery and violence destroy Elen’s homeland, a power begins to rise inside her. But it will take more than that untested magic to avenge her family, unite her people, and reclaim their land. Her enemy receives power from an evil source: the wicked sorceress Morgaine LeFay, who will stop at nothing to destroy King Arthur and his knights of Camelot. And she plans to use Elen to work for her own vile purpose.

  • Queens of Camelot,  Sarah Zettel

    Risa: In Camelot’s Shadow

    Queens of Camelot Book 1 Lady Risa of the Morelands has already caught the eyes and won the hearts of many suitors. Not one of them, though, can gain the approval of her father, Lord Rygehil. When Risa discovers his secret—that he promised her to the necromancer Euberacon—she is furious, and terrified.